Use Red Light Therapy and Pulsed EMF to Accelerate Healing


For plantar fasciitis or Morton’s neuroma, use red light therapy:  do six doses twice a day over the most painful spot for two weeks, then as needed.   Light in the red bandwidth of 630-800 nm wavelength increases cellular ATP production (energy), thus enhancing healing.

After doing 2 weeks of red light therapy, switch to Pulsed EMF.  The human body, like all living organisms, has charged atoms and molecules moving within it, within earth’s magnetic field.  This generates weak magnetic fields which are tied to health.  However, every day we are exposed to invisible electromagnetic fields of higher frequency and strength from wifi signals, cell phone towers, electrical wiring around us, and more.  This disrupts or magnetic fields and makes cell function less efficient, as cells require a proper voltage across their membranes to move things across it.

Pulsed EMF stimulates cellular repair by restoring normal charges across cell membranes, which improves nutrient and waste transport.  This benefits the cell by increasing ATP (energy) production and protein synthesis which are vital to tissue repair.

The FlexPulse is a pulsed EMF device you can wear on your body while you sleep or go about your day, which can help accelerate healing of plantar fasciitis and other soft tissue injuries.  Watch my YouTube video to get more details on this product.

Using the Tendlite & Edge Tool to Treat Plantar Fasciitis

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